1."Gosh, " I said, "it must be a more common name in Canada than I realised. "
2.Attributes are meant to contain data values (like the Common Name field contains the name of the ApacheDS administrator as its value).
3.Common name NOTE : The common name is usually comprised of your host computer name and the domain to which it belongs, such as xyz. com.
4.specify the common name (sometimes referred to as the distinguished name) by which each key-pair will be known within each key store.
5.Crown rust is the common name both of a serious leaf-rust disease of oats and of the causal agent.
6.More than any other invention, self powered clock works suggested that all manufactured things might share a common name.
7.The name "humpback" , which is the common name for this whale, refers to the typical curve shape the whale's back forms as it pes.
8.If using your voice is difficult, then you know what dysphonia is. The more common name for this disorder is hoarseness .
9.On the CA Identifying Information page, in Common name for this CA, type the name of the computer.
10.The Name attribute is used for the common name (CN) in Active Directory.